Get rid of bad breath the right way

So studies have shown that in some countries up to 50% of people suffer from bad breath otherwise known as halitosis in this post I'm going to teach you how to get rid of it so what are we waiting for let's do this now.

Bad breath and mouth hygiene

Before we begin, I have a few questions for you which I want to think about whilst we go through the post:

  • What's your oral hygiene like?
  •  How often you brush your teeth? 
  • Do you floss? 
  • Do you smoke?
  • Are you eating a lot of sugary foods?

All of these can contribute bad breath so please think about them.

Now let's begin so tip number one: the worst smelling bad breath usually comes from bacteria living in between the gums in between the teeth and on the turn so tip number one simply maintains good oral hygiene. You might be thinking to yourself now, but I do maintain good oral hygiene. If you do maintain good oral hygiene and that's fantastic but a lot of patients tend to miss a few important steps or do a few things wrong for example a lot of people tend to brush their teeth with a fluoride toothpaste which is great and then they end up rinsing their mouths out of water or with a mouthwash and this is wrong because you're getting rid of all that good fluoride. A few of the things about maintaining good oral hygiene include brushing your teeth and gums, twice a day flossing your teeth, at least once a day cleaning your tongue with a tongue scraper, using a fluoride toothpaste and most importantly having regular dental check-ups.
I did make a post not long ago with a good friend of mine dr Ehsan all about how to brush your teeth properly and I guarantee you if you read it you will become a dental hygiene pro.
Tip number two: remember the bacteria from tip number one well they love sugary foods. When they get sugar, they go a bit nuts and when they go nuts they start increasing the acidity in the mouth and that can contribute to things like tooth decay. I guess nobody wants tooth decay and bad breath so what should you do? Well, you need to maintain good oral hygiene. We need to limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks and this includes things like fizzy drinks. Sparkling water as well this count as well so you need to limit that and lastly limit fruit juice because that also contains sugar. You may be thinking to yourself but that's easier said than done I drink loads of fizzy drinks every day now going to struggle with this. Well, that's fine and that's understandable so try and cut down slowly maybe try having one fizzy drink a day or one fruit juice a day slowly cut down from there. Please remember that things like tea, coffee, water they're all fine to have they're generally less acidic, but remember: please don't add sugar and also another tip before you brush your teeth then you've eaten something but it has something to drink make sure you leave an hour this is so the acidity can neutralize and then brush your teeth. Which moves us on to tip number three: consider using a mouthwash every single day. I think it's especially useful to use a mouthwash let's say when you're out and you've eaten and you don't have a toothbrush with you to brush your teeth then you can use the mouthwash. That's going to neutralize those chemicals that can cause bad breath. Now the next question is going to be well which mouthwash should I get? There's so many to choose from well the good news is that there have been several clinical trials that have shown various ingredients in mouthwash to help with bad breath.
Tip number four, which is all about smoking: I honestly think there's no end to how bad smoking is for us. We all know it causes various cancers it causes, lung disease it causes, diabetes it causes, heart disease and many more medical conditions. The cherry on top is it also causes bad breath so tip number four is pretty simple if you do smoke please quit because the health benefits are there and on top of that you're going to be left with fresh breath.

About half of people will have halitosis, otherwise known as bad breath. Dr. Eleanor Weitzner says most cases stem from problems within the mouth like gum disease cavities or ill-fitting dentures. Bacteria build-up and causes a foul odor. Bad breath can also be a sign of a systemic health issue, like kidney disease or diabetes, or a side effect of a medication. Some common culprits include some anti-depressants and blood pressure drugs. A lot of people think that if you have certain foods like onions or garlic or spicy foods then you have bad breath. So yes, you do have bad breath but it's a transient thing. Halitosis is more of a long-term thing so unless you deal with the problem, you still have it. For true halitosis, prescription mouthwashes are available. And for everyone, Dr. Weitzner says, chewing sugar-free gum helps. It actually stimulates salivary flow and saliva actually lubricates the mouth and has an anti-bacterial effect which is what a lot of halitosis is caused by. It's caused by bacteria. Salivary flow is decreased while we sleep and that's what causes morning breath. She says two things to avoid are mouthwashes containing alcohol and brushing too hard. Brushing teeth and flossing and good oral hygiene, super important. But you don't want to overdo it because you'll actually be causing harm to the tissues. So see your dentist regularly to detect any concerns early. And know that most people can't actually smell their own breath accurately. 


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